Monday, 5 May 2008

Happy Birthday Maryam-with-a-cut-on-her-forehead

And what better way to celebrate your second birthday then with a patch on your forehead.

AAAHHHHH! the shock of seeing your daughter falling under a table...and her scream of pain...aaaaaah.......

And the blood running down her face.....aaaaaaahhhhhhh

And the doctor cleaning the wound on your darling squirmy baby....


The same darling squirmy baby who quiets down after being bribed with a vitamin.

The same little gremlin who starts jumping around telling the world
"Maryam jatuh panjat meja pin" ( my accessory table at the shop...)

The exact same kid who got free treatment for her dressing at the doctor coz she got injured on her birthday.......

Oh dearie MAryam.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Maryam!! Hope the little darling is okay now. Aunty Hani pun tumpang rasa sakit, Ouch!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated birthday to little Mayam ...Masyaallah ..... u remind me of Uncle Lan careful darling ...

Lyza anak Cik Gayah