Monday, 16 June 2008

Tudung pictures....

Pictures of our Lycra Maisara Tudung - the front is from Thai Silk. Fiqa is wearing the version with a spit down the front......I'm wearing the longer version with no split down the front. Price? Around RM95 - RM140 depending on material.....Also refer to pictures with mummy & the family in the earlier blog posts.

Floral Maisara? Hmmmmm i still don't have the pictures for that......

Beware of imitations!!!!


RaudhahRuds said...
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RaudhahRuds said...

Oh yes, lately there are lots of tudung Munawwarah imitations. Recently I went to pick up my girls from school here in JB and saw one mum wearing tudung sebijik macam Munawwarah, I'm based in JB so tak banyak nampak orang pakai tudung M, sekali sekala ada jugak and we (the ladies that wear tudung M) will smile at each other as if we belong to some secret society.

So when I saw this mum who I thought was wearing tudung M (the split kind, one of the original design ones, she even wore it the style staff at Munawwarah wear) I smiled at her tapi dia buat tak tau je la pulak. Because one time a mother at the same school wore tudung M (the silk kind; black kain, light blue awning) she looked at me who was also wearing tudung M, she had a look of surprise because...she was like WAH! Kat JB ni pun ada orang pakai tudung M ler. Masa sports day pun ada one mum wore the tudung yang takde awning tapi ada split. (One of the original tudung design). We will then have this look like – “ada juga orang guna tudung Munawwarah di JB ni..." :D

Anyway this mother who I thought pakai tudung M, bila tengok dekat, eh taklah, dari jauh memang macam tudung M tapi bila tengok betul-betul tudung M mana ada macam ombak2 kat tepi tudung tu kan? Munawwarah tudung is very elegant and classy looking, non of this ombak2 thingy kat tepi tudung.

Thus I figured ni mesti imitation tudung M, dari atas semua sama, dari tepi je you can tell it's not Munawwarah tudung.

Then again as the saying goes, "Imitation is the best form of flattery" but as for me I believe "one better go for Quality rather than quantity...

Take care Ina, I really enjoy your writings, write a book lah :)

inaali said...

Memang ada cita-cita nak write a book.....but oh teh time. Insya Allah bila dah tua sikit (?) dah masak dengan hidup...dan takde maryam yang hyper ni.....akan ku tulis buku......

n.i. said...

kak ina,
kat ofis i pun dah ramaaiiiii pakai... i'm proud of you but at the same, i'm no longer considered unique here... hehehe

Anonymous said...

You are right raudhah.."as if we belong to a secret society"..I totally agree..sapa yg pakai tudung M je yang kenal the real thing..I love it when people tegur me "cantik lah tudung..beli mana?" or "cantiknya mesti Munawwarah ni"

Kak Ina..I love the maisarah..tak sabar tunggu the floral maisarah back in store!

inaali said... will always be unique, babe.....

Sabar semua....nanti kita hooray-hooray dengan collection baru......

KC said...


Raudah and Puteri are so right, LOL. I'm no longer considered unique in my organization (I work in a bank and I can safely say I'm the pioneer of SM tudung here tau).

Bila kat surau, ramai ler pulak yang dok datang belek my tudung tanya beli kat mana. So, jenuh lah pulak nak explain where your shop is etc. Dengna yang nak kirim which I conveniently said NO as you need to know your right size before purchase.

So, kat my bank la ni, dah ada a few yang ber-SM (ha ha)and in fact 3 friends from outstation i.e JB, TGG and Penang made a quick trip to KL last few months just to go to SM!

Ni yang nak tanya ni (althou dah tau jawapan Ina), tak ada ke customer get customer rebate ?? And bilalahhhh nak sale tudung2 ni?? LOL!

Anyways, pahala berpanjangan for us especially for you and mummy bila more muslimah cover up properly wif SM :-)

Kak Z said...

Ina, salam...

I have 9 pcs already (not bad for a start, eh?)hehe..My dear friend introduced me to your tudung..

I made a quick trip to Tmn Tun last month and went crazy at your boutique..

hmm...whether i look good in it..I don't really long as I feel good wearing it..

Tapi ramai yg confuse SM tudung with the ones jual elsewhere..Hellow?? Can't they see the difference...

Oh, in PGudang susah nak cari tudung yg cantik and eksklusif mcm tudung SM..

Keep designing and I will keep buying LOL!


Anonymous said...

kak..saya dh lama cari tudung nih.tapi tak tau nk beli kat mana..kat shah alam ada tak kak?

Anonymous said...


A tudung should not be a kebanggaan. It seems the Munawwarah tudung has become a 'prized posession' and that is not what wearing a tudung is about.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Salam name is azlina. i have only started wearing tudung at the age of 38 after umrah a month ago. when i decided to put on tudung, i was actually relying on the 3 pcs borrowed from a friend before going to makkah. hence, upon coming back to kl plus all the ignorance about tudung all the while, i had no idea what would be the best tudung for me. fyi, i am very petty about the weather thus material is very crucial.two days after coming home, my youngest sister who've been wearing tudung for as long as i could remember invited me to join her shop for tudung at a boutique called Sri Munawwarah! and i fell in love with SM..the shop concept which does not allow men to enter hence giving the ladies all the freedom to try on the tudungs amazed me..thumbs up to SM!!!before umrah, i was one of those melayu who believes that iman bukan terletak di tudung especially looking at those people who abused the concept of wearing tudung..tudung was just to cover all the "wrong-doings" instead of the actual purpose of menutup aurat.but then, Allah has opened my heart to cover my aurat and even reward me for the change of mind by sending me to SM for my 1st hunt for tudung!! i spent almost all the money i had in my purse that day!!hahaha....since then, i've been visiting tudung boutiques or muslimah boutiques but none like SM..congratulations to all at Sri Munawwarah..the staffs were friendly & helpful, the ambience fantastic, the designs are great & classy..keep up the good work.. i shall return to SM anytime now...see u!!!

inaali said...

Thank you azlina.....we are so happy to be part of your image change and hope to be able to do more then just supply you with tudung...

Mummy @ Munawwarah creates for lifestyle - so we hope to dress you inside out day in day out....

thanks so much for your encouraging can't believe the value of all these positive comments to us in these challenging days... muah....