It's funny how so many people..especially orang Melayu...are so fast in jumping to conclusions which are very negative.
We have this really bad habit of forgetting that we do not see the whole picture before we make assumptions...(usually negative ones).
Maybe we should start a new habit of making excuses for people...sangka baik....if someone seems rude and grouchy..maybe it is just a bad day for them. Maybe she is ill or has a big major problem.......
We can't expect everyone to be bright and chirpy everyday. Some major problems are just too big to make dissappear in public.
I suppose bad drivers are like that coz they are all rushing to get to the nearest toilet (?!).
Little toddlers throw tantrums and misbehave coz nobody seems to understand what they want (and why is mummy taking so long to shop.....)
I have people complaining that i don't answer their comments and ideas in my blogs......but darlings.....there is only so much i can do...and this internet line can be extremely unreliable.....half way through a long friendly letter, suddenly the internet instead just drop three worded answers..dah orang kat sombong.....
When i walk into the shop, baru kena marah dengan boss or staff buat hal or my poor back is killing me...tak sempat nak senyum dah kena marah stock tudung tak cukup.........bila tak senyum balik,customer kata sombong...Waduh.....
But i suppose that is customer service for you......nak tak nak kena senyumlah, walaupun sambil tahan sakit belakang yang teramat......
Not aiming this at anyone, but just telling myself, sometimes some people see a side of you when you are not ready and may judge you for life........maybe we should start giving people chances to prove that their bad side was just a passing incident on a certain day.....making excuses for all the bad behaviour we see........or is it coz we are in a bad mood - apa orang buat semua salah......hmmm....another topic to think about.....